2024 Weekly Online Class Schedule
Plant the Seeds of Well-being 🌱 Enjoy an introductory week of free online classes with Moving Mountain Wellness Community ✨ Get to know our warm and good-humored online practice community. Explore the wide variety of health and wellness activities that our weekly schedule has to offer. Move at your own pace, honor your body’s unique needs, and let curiosity and self-compassion to guide the way in every practice.
To get started, email Jenne at info@jennesluder.com for the class links and include any questions you may have. You will receive the full schedule of classes and Zoom links. You can get started anytime. Attend further classes by purchasing a pack of class passes or by signing up for a monthly membership.
Click on any class title below to learn more.
Mondays 9:30 – 10:30am EST
Chair-Supported Yoga
Tuesdays 10am – 11:10 EST
Yoga for Health & Healing
Wednesdays 11am – 12:10 EST
Yoga for Bone Density, Joints & Spine Care
Wednesdays 7pm – 7:50pm EST
Community Meditation
Thursdays 8am – 8:40 EST
Morning Meditation
Thursdays 9:30am – 10:10 EST
Fridays 11am – 11:50 EST
Gentle & Restorative Yoga
2nd Sundays 2pm – 3:10pm EST
Deep Rest Yoga Nidra
Yoga for Social Change: Study & Support Group
We live in a time when realizing the truth of interconnectedness is critical to survival. How we choose to engage this moment determines not only our own well-being but the well-being of many. Spiritual practitioners from all traditions have a moral imperative to recognize the intersection between self-care and community care, self-development and eco-social development, self-liberation and collective liberation.
Yoga for Social Change is a community-building study and support group for practitioners of all persuasions who want to reflect on how our spiritual practices and mind-body practices can be optimally engaged to support healing in our communities and in the world.
Monthly Deep Rest Yoga Nidra Sessions on Zoom
2nd Sundays / 2pm – 3:10 EST
Yoga Nidra is a guided lying-down meditation that induces deep relaxation and peaceful states of awareness. Research highlights how Deep Rest practices can release cumulative stress from the body and brain, reducing inflammation and down-regulating stress-hormone arousal while harnessing the body and brain’s natural abilities to heal and recover with focused, structured rest. Monthly Deep Rest Yoga Nidra falls on the second Sunday of every month from 2:15 – 3:30pm EST.
Community Meditation 🪷
Free gentle yoga and meditation session every Wednesday evening from 7pm – 7:50 on Zoom. Seated tension-release on a chair or a cushion (your preference), breath-work or visualization to release distress from the nervous system, lightly guided seated meditation, concludes with a progressive relaxation that can be done lying-down or in a reclined position.
All are welcome. No prior experience necessary. This practice can be done in a chair, on the floor, on your couch, or in your bed. To join the group, simply email Jenne so she can send you the Zoom link ➡️ info@jennesluder.com
Qigong & Walking Meditation at the NC Arboretum
Stay Tuned ❤️ This program will return for the Spring 2025 Arboretum Schedule
North Carolina Arboretum in Asheville
Qigong means the skill (gong) of regulating life energy (qi) to improve health. Qigong is the foundation of Tai Chi, a moving meditation that combines flowing postures, breath-work, and meditation in motion. Accessible to all ages and all bodies, Qigong promotes healthy circulation, reduces blood pressure, optimizes joint mobility, releases muscle tension, improves balance and coordination, boosts energy and cognition, and invites a sense of inner calm and ease. Each week our Qigong practice is followed by a slow silent walking meditation to savor the beauty and healing power of nature in the North Carolina Arboretum’s Plants of Promise Garden. Parking is free when you register for a class at the Arboretum.
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