The Mind-Body Library is accessible to monthly Patreon members. To learn more or to become a member, click here. If you are already a member, scroll down and click the style or title of the practice that you want to do. “Chair-friendly” means that the practice can be done seated in a chair.

MENU BAR (click any title below to go directly to that style of practice)

Short Practices: 25 minutes or less!

Gentle & Therapeutic Yoga Practices

Restorative Yoga & Yin Practices

Qigong & Tai Chi Practices

Chair Yoga & Chair Fitness Practices

Pilates, Rebounder & Flow Yoga Practices

Guided Meditation & Mantra Practices

Deep Rest Yoga Nidra Practices

Lectures & Dharma Talks

QUICKIES! Practices in 25 minutes or less


Low Back Relief in 10 mins (All Lying-Down Stretches)

Recharge Your Battery in 10 mins (All Standing Yoga)

The Ultimate Neck & Shoulder Relief Sequence (Chair-Friendly) 20 mins

Whole Body Deep Stretch with a Yoga Strap (10 mins)

Restorative Yoga & Guided Self-Massage (10 mins)

Seated Stress Release for Mind & Body (Chair-Friendly) 25 mins

Stretch Your Spine 7 Ways (Chair-Friendly) (7 mins)

Lying-Down Stretches for the Whole Body (20 mins)

Resting Yoga Pose for Grief, Anxiety, or Overwhelm (7 mins)

Release Tension from the Whole Spine (7 mins)

All Lying-Down Stretches for Low Back & Hips (10 mins)

Bowing to the 10 Directions – Moving Prayer / Meditation (7 mins)


Energy Boost (Winter Blues B Gone!) (25 mins)

Seated Tai Chi 10 Form (20 mins)

Seated Resistance Band Exercises (25 mins)


15-min Rebounder Fitness / Mini-Trampoline Practice

18-min Rebounder Dance Party!!!

Pilates Quickie! Focus on Curls (20 mins)

Pilates Quickie! Focus on Leg Lifts (25 mins)


Feel Peaceful in 10 minutes (Qigong Moving Meditation – All Standing)

Qigong: Happy Joints & Clear Mind (25 mins)

Earth Element: Qigong for Grounding & Anxiety-Reduction (15 mins)

Qigong for Quiet Healing (20 mins) All Standing

12 Posture Qigong – All Standing (25 mins)

5 Healing Sounds of Qigong – All Standing (15 mins)

The Eight Silken Brocades – All Standing (25 mins)

Qigong Tune-Up (25 mins) All Standing

Qigong for Inner Light (20 mins) All Standing


Calm & Centered: Dantien Abiding Meditation (10 mins)

Lying-Down Breathing Practice for Relaxation & Respiratory Health (10 mins)

7-minutes to Inner Peace (Seated Breathing Practice)

Chanting Meditation: Here & Now / Clear & Calm (10 mins)

Sunyata Meditation: Progressive Relaxation & Breathwork (10 mins)

Indoor Walking Meditation (10 mins)

Loving-Awareness Meditation (8 mins)

Guided Meditation: Anxiety Release (14 mins)

Tonglen Meditation: Working with Suffering (15 mins)

Return to Stillness Meditation (18 mins)

Hand Mudra Meditation: Return to Center (20 mins)

Guided Meditation: Letting Go Visualization (10 mins)

Strengthening Self-Compassion & Releasing Worry (15 mins)

Pratipaksha Bhavana: Cultivating Equanimity (20 mins)

ABC Breathing to Improve HRV, Vagal Tone & Self-Compassion (15 mins)

Resting Yoga: Yin & Restorative Practices

Restorative & Yin Yoga for the Whole Body (50 mins)

Restorative Yoga & Guided Self-Massage (10 mins)

Deep Calm: Yin & Restorative Yoga (60 mins)

Restorative Pose for Grief, Anxiety or Overwhelm (7 mins)

Yin & Restorative Yoga for Nourishing Vitality (50 mins)

Restorative Yoga: Calming Breath & Legs-up-the-Wall (50 mins)

All-Lying Down Yin & Restorative Yoga (60 mins)

May You Be At Ease: Restorative Yoga (60 mins)

Restorative & Yin: Inversions (60 mins)

Unwind & Uplift: Yin & Restorative Yoga (60 mins)

Yin & Restorative Yoga for Letting Go (60 mins)

Gentle & Therapeutic Yoga


Breaking Up Concrete! Release Stiffness & Soreness (52 mins)

Winter Blues B Gone! Energy & Mood Boost (30 mins)

Yoga for Relieving Anxiety (30 mins)

Feeling More Grounded: Live Recorded Yoga Practice (70 mins)

Gentle Yoga for Balancing the Nervous System (60 mins)

Gentle Yoga: Relax & Strengthen (60 mins)

Awake! Gentle Yoga to Energize Body & Mind (60 mins)

Gentle Yoga: Balance of Strength & Ease (60 mins)

Seated Practice: Opening Up the Back, Neck & Joints (30 mins)

Deep Peace: Gentle Yoga with Breathwork (40 mins)

Quickie All-Seated Practice: Stretch 7 Ways (7 mins)

Gentle Yoga with Hand Mudras (75 mins)

All-Seated Stress Release for Mind & Body (25 mins)

All-Lying Down Yoga Practice (50 mins)

Lying-Down Stretches for the Whole Body (20 mins)

Center Yourself: Gentle Yoga with Square Breathing (60 mins)

Gentle Yoga for the Whole Body (60 mins)

Whole Body Deep Stretch with a Yoga Strap (10 mins)

Lift Your Energy & Your Mood! Gentle Yoga Practice (50 mins)

Gentle Yoga: Strengthening Awareness (60 mins)

Therapeutic Yoga for Increasing Joy & Mental Alertness (60 mins)

Therapeutic Yoga for Cognitive Health (50 mins)

Recharge Your Battery in 10 mins! (All Standing)


The Ultimate Low-Back Care Practice (60 mins)

Yoga for Joints, Bones & Spine Care + Weights (60 mins)

Yoga for Arthritis & Osteoporosis + Weights (59 mins)

Knee & Core Strength + Stability (60 mins)

Lying-Down Stretches for Low Back & Hips (10 mins)

Therapeutic Yoga for the Thoracic Spine (35 mins)

One-Hour Psoas Release Extravaganza (60 mins)

Yoga for Respiratory Health (60 mins)

Middle & Upper Back, Chest, Lungs & Shoulders (50 mins)

Sciatic, Sacroiliac & Piriformis Health Practice (30 mins)

Gentle Yoga for Limited Shoulder Mobility (40 mins)

Gentle Yoga for Brain Health (60 mins)

Lower Back Relief in 10 mins

Quickie Practice! Release Tension from the Whole Spine (7 mins)

Deep Trapezius Release: Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back (40 mins)

The Ultimate Neck & Shoulder Relief Sequence (20 mins)

Yoga for Arthritis & Osteoporosis (60 mins)

Happy Feet! Yoga for Balance & Healthy Feet (35 mins)

Happy Hips! Gentle Hip-Stretching Practice (40 mins)

Yoga for Covid Recovery (Active Practice) 60 mins

Yoga for Covid Recovery (Passive/Resting) 50 mins


Qigong for Quiet Healing (20 mins)

Qigong for Inner Light during Solstice (20 mins)

Qigong for Energy & Clarity (30 mins)

7-minutes to Inner Peace (Chair-friendly Seated Moving Meditation)

12 Posture Qigong (25 mins)

5 Healing Sounds of Qigong (15 mins)

Earth Element Qigong for Grounding & Anxiety-Reduction (15 mins)

Qigong Tune-Up (25 mins)

The Eight Silken Brocades (25 mins)

Feel Peaceful in 10 minutes (Qigong Moving Meditation)

Qigong: Happy Joints & Clear Mind (25 mins)

Tai Chi

Learning Tai Chi 10 Form: Part One (15 mins)

Learning Tai Chi 10 Form: Part Two (15 mins)

Learning Tai Chi 10 Form: Part Three (25 mins)

Learning Tai Chi 10 Form: Part Four (20 mins)

Learning Tai Chi 10 Form: Part Five (20 mins)

Seated Tai Chi 10 Form (20 mins)

Yoga Nidra / Guided Relaxation

Member Appreciation Yoga Nidra ~ Live Recording (80 mins)

Yoga Nidra: Resting by the Ocean (17 mins)

Yoga Nidra: The Healing Garden (20 mins)

Yoga Nidra: The Seven Homecomings (25 mins)

Yoga Nidra for Mental Health w/ Breathing Visualizations (27 mins)

Yoga Nidra: Permission to Rest (30 mins)

Yoga Nidra: Healing Affirmations & Visualizations (30 mins)

Yoga Nidra: Bringing Peace to the Body (30 mins)

Yoga Nidra: Meeting Your Own Needs (25 mins)

Chair-supported Yoga

Seated & Standing Practices:

Winter Blues B Gone! (25 mins)

Happy Feet! Yoga for Balance & Healthy Feet (35 mins)

Energy Boost! Chair-Supported Yoga (50 mins)

Chair Yoga for Hips & Lower Back (40 mins)

Chair Yoga for Chest, Shoulders & Neck (40 mins)

Chair Yoga to Stretch, Strengthen & Stabilize Joints (60 mins)

Chair-Supported Whole Body Tension Release (60 mins)

Chair-Supported Stress Release + Spinal Release (60 mins)

Chair-Supported Yoga for Joints, Bones & Spine + Hand Weights (59 mins)

All-Seated Practices:

Seated Joint Health Practice (30 mins)

The Ultimate Neck & Shoulder Relief Sequence (20 mins)

Seated Tai Chi (20 mins)

Chair-Supported Yoga for Low Back, Neck & Shoulders (35 mins)

Gentle Yoga (Chair-friendly): Stretch 7 Ways (7 mins)

Seated Stress Release for Mind & Body (25 mins)

Seated Practice: Opening Up the Back, Neck & Joints (30 mins)

All Lying-Down Practices (can be done lying-down on your bed or on the floor):

All Lying-Down Gentle Yoga (50 mins)

Lying-Down Stretches for the Whole Body (20 mins)

Lying-Down Stretches for Low Back & Hips (10 mins)

Lying-Down: Lower Back Relief in 10 mins

Seated & Lying-Down Practices (can be done seated in a chair and then lying-down on your bed or on the floor):

Therapeutic Yoga for the Thoracic Spine (35 mins)

Pilates, Chair Pilates, & Fitness

Quick Pilates Practices:

Pilates Quickie! Focus on Curls (20 mins)

Pilates Quickie! Focus on Leg Lifts (25 mins)

Intermediate Pilates – Quickie Practice! Focus on Upper Body Strength (30 mins)

Beginner-Friendly Pilates Practice:

Gentle Beginner-Friendly Pilates – Core Strength (40 mins)

Gentle Beginner-Friendly Pilates with Dumbbells (40 mins)

Knee & Core Strength + Stability (60 mins)

Intermediate Pilates:

Pilates with a Resistance Band (45 mins)

Pilates with a Ball! Core-Strength Focus (40 mins)

Pilates: Kick Your Own Butt … Mindfully (50 mins)

Intermediate Pilates Practice – Whole Body (60 mins)

Intermediate Pilates Long Practice – Focus on Upper Body Strength (55 mins)

Everything Bagel! Pilates (45 mins)

Chair Pilates:

Chair Pilates! (40 mins)

Chair Pilates: Seated Resistance Band (25 mins)

Chair Pilates w/ Light Cardio (50 mins)

Intermediate Chair Pilates (50 mins)

Chair Pilates with a mini-Pilates Ball! (50 mins)

Knee & Core Strength + Stability (60 mins)

Chair Pilates: Whole Body Strength (50 mins)


15-min Rebounder Fitness / Mini-Trampoline Practice

18-min Rebounder Dance Party!!!

Mindful Vinyasa Flow

Strength-Building Flow Yoga (40 mins)

Mindful Flow for the Whole Body (40 mins)

Flow Yoga to Nourish Vitality (40 mins)

Mindful Flow with Core Strengthening (60 mins)

Guided Meditation

Meditating in Stillness (can be done either Seated or Lying-Down):

Guided Meditation: Anxiety Release (14 mins)

Tonglen Meditation: Working with Suffering (15 mins)

Return to Stillness Meditation (18 mins)

Guided Meditation: Letting Go Visualization (10 mins)

Sunyata Meditation: Progressive Relaxation & Breathwork (10 mins)

Loving-Awareness Meditation (8 mins)

Pratipaksha Bhavana: Cultivating Equanimity (20 mins)

ABC Breathing to Improve HRV, Vagal Tone & Self-Compassion (15 mins)

Gentle Moving Meditation:

7-minutes to Inner Peace (Seated “Hand-Breathing” Practice)

Hand Mudra Meditation: Return to Center (20 mins)

Bowing to the 10 Directions – Bowing Meditation (7 mins)

Strengthening Self-Compassion & Releasing Worry (15 mins)

Indoor Walking Meditation (12 mins)

Lying-Down Meditation:

Lying-Down Breathing Practice for Relaxation & Respiratory Health (10 mins)

Calm & Centered: Dantien Abiding Meditation (10 mins)

Discussion & Talks: Understanding the Benefits and Goals of Mind-Body Practice

This is a Happy Moment: Joy & Grief in Practice (25 min Talk)

Making Friends with Meditation (40 min Talk / 30 min Practice)

Strengthening Equanimity (20 min Talk / 60 min Practice)

Cultivating Self-Compassion in Mind-Body Practice (50 min Talk)

Being with What Is: Meditation & Mind-Body Practice (40 min Talk)

Chanting Meditation

Here & Now / Clear & Calm (10 mins)

Om Mani Padme Hum for Opening the Heart (15 mins)

Om Satyam Param Dimahi for a Focused Mind (10 mins)

Medicine Buddha Mantra for Healing (15 mins)

Lokah Samastha: Prayer for All Beings (10 mins)

Heart Sutra for Awakening to our True Self (14 mins)

Green Tara Mantra for Compassion & Protection (18 mins)

SA TA NA MA for Brain Health & Improving Memory (20 mins)

Yoga for Covid-19 Recovery

Yoga for Covid Recovery (Active Practice) 60 mins

Yoga for Covid Recovery (Passive/Resting) 50 mins